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The purpose of the system is: “Production of plastic components by injection moulding”.
In compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, company processes are identified and standardized to continuously improve and to guarantee the satisfaction of stakeholders and customers.

The objectives of the stakeholders and of the company are set, the results are monitored through indicators and at the same time the risks and opportunities are assessed, identifying the corrective and improvement actions that can be adopted to deal with them.
The resources necessary for the correct performance of company processes are determined. The company defines roles, functions, responsibilities and authorities and communicates this through the organization chart and job description disclosed to all personnel.
The organization maintains documented information to support the operation of processes and to ensure that they are performed as planned.

Quality objectives are established annually for the relevant functions, levels and processes required for the quality management system.
The indicators used to monitor the achievement of these objectives are updated on an annual basis and are evaluated annually by the Management and documented in the management review.


The goal of G.V.R. snc by Verzini Giordano & C. is the injection molding of plastic materials, with a particular focus on producing both proprietary and third-party products with high aesthetic value and superior finishes.

G.V.R. prioritizes product and service quality on par with company profitability, ensuring the satisfaction of all its stakeholders, specifically clients, suppliers, and employees.

The continuous evolution of the management model allows G.V.R. to adequately plan actions aimed at achieving the improvement objectives set by the Management, focused on constantly pursuing greater efficiency and higher service levels. The actions taken stem from ongoing analysis of the context, processes, and feedback received, which enable an assessment of business risks and opportunities, as well as the associated strategies.

To address these goals, G.V.R. has adopted a Quality Management System (QMS) that complies with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard. The primary objectives include:

  • Improving market image and reputation by increasing the number of customers and turnover, expanding the company’s territorial presence, and entering new business areas, aided by the introduction of new products and services;
  • Establishing and consolidating a close collaboration with current and potential clients, reinforcing the customer-supplier relationship, starting from supporting the design phase of new products to providing prompt post-sale assistance. Responsiveness, attention to customer needs, solution flexibility, and management are the company’s excellence pillars on which continuous growth is based.
  • Ensuring structures that comply with environmental regulations and guarantee workplace safety, in accordance with current regulations/decrees;
  • Ensuring a company margin that enables investments aimed at enhancing the company’s know-how and infrastructure. By leveraging technological advancements, G.V.R. seeks to optimize all business processes in terms of quality, efficiency, and costs to ensure the company’s continued competitiveness. The high degree of digitalization and automation in business processes has helped reduce operational waste in recent years, allowing the focus to remain on delivering customer value. Continuous measurement of the efficiency of individual orders and the introduction of innovations for their improvement have been and will continue to be a cornerstone of the company’s success.
  • Fostering the professional growth of employees by ensuring they receive the necessary training and adequate qualifications, allowing the company to maintain an organizational structure and human resources capable of meeting business and market demands.
  • Selection, evaluation, and qualification of raw material and service suppliers to ensure consistently high and reliable quality over time.

Achieving these objectives is a top priority for the entire company, and it is the direct responsibility of the QMS Manager to promote and monitor their implementation, as well as to periodically review the adequacy of the adopted system. The Management considers it important to involve all staff in daily activities and through specific improvement proposals that will be carefully evaluated and potentially implemented. Consequently, the G.V.R. Management grants company managers the authority to apply the quality system within their areas of responsibility and the duty to report to Management on the system’s performance and any improvement actions taken or proposed.

Finally, Management commits to disseminating this “Company Policy” to all G.V.R. personnel and to external interested parties through appropriate communication tools.

GVR è attualmente certifcata ISO 9001:2015.